Wellness is defined in many different ways by many different people. In order to have a “well balanced” or “well rounded” life you need to attain and maintain harmony in 4 areas of your life.
Here are 4 categories of wellness:
4 Categories of Wellness
Physical wellness enables you to live a longer, healthier, more vibrant life.
Wellness research shows that Americans who take care of themselves and manage their lifestyles are healthier, more productive, have fewer absences from work, and make fewer demands for medical services. An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association indicated that, in one study, the “wellness” approach resulted in a 17 percent decline in total medical visits and a 35 percent decline in medical visits for minor illness. The subjects involved participated in a year-long self-care education program.
Financial wellness secures your financial future by getting out of debt.
You can achieve this by making a habit of saving money for retirement, having a Plan B, earning extra money to put aside to secure your financial health in case something bad happens. Think of owning a home based business that will accomplish your financial wellness goal that can be started on a part time, or full time, basis. This will get you heading in the right direction.
Many people start a small home business out of desperation and soon find themselves in a very healthy financial position as a result.
Personal wellness, or spiritual wellness, involves seeking meaning and purpose in human existence. The spiritually well individual explores and develops a personal belief system, establishes values and lives a life that is consistent with those values and beliefs.
You achieve personal wellness through balance in your personal life. Happiness and peace of mind will bring you personal wellness in your family life. You have that sense of inner peace.
Environmental wellness refers to an appreciation for the external environment and the role individual’s play in preserving, and improving environmental conditions.
You can improve your environmental wellness by making your home and the environment cleaner and making it a safer place for you and your family to live in.
How to Ensure Your Lifestyle Wellness
A wellness-oriented lifestyle encourages you to adopt habits and behaviors that promote better health and an improved quality of life.
Wellness is a positive approach to living.
Be the healthiest YOU that you can be and let’s get healthy together!