Environmental wellness involves a number of different aspects of personal and societal responsibilities, including:
- Be a good steward, we have been blessed with the opportunity to live on this beautiful planet, we must take this stewardship seriously
- Being aware of the earth’s natural resources and their respective limits
- Living a life accountable to environmental needs, both in the present and in the long-term
- Realizing the effects of their daily habits on the world around them
An environmentally well person will also recognize the need to keep a healthy personal environment. A healthy personal environment includes:
- Working to have a healthy environment at home, avoiding the use of harsh and toxic chemicals
- Keeping the company of healthy people
- An enjoyment of available recreational opportunities
- Engaging in environmentally responsible activities
- Maximizing personal harmony with the earth, while minimizing harm to it
Are you engaged in the process of environmental wellness?
- Do I recycle?
- Do I use environmentally responsible cleaners in my home?
- If I see a safety hazard, do I take the steps to fix the problem?
- Do I volunteer time to worthy causes?
- Am I aware of my surroundings at all times?
If you answered “No” to any of the questions, it may indicate an area where you need to improve the state of your environmental wellness.